Call for nominations
Organization Studies (OS) & Sage Student Paper Impact Award is awarded annually to reward Post-Graduate Students (i.e. Master and Doctoral students), who have written a paper that has generated considerable societal impact (e.g. on societal, environmental, and policy matters).
The prize is worth $1,000. The winner will be announced at the Annual EGOS Colloquium and subsequently listed on this and the OS website. The winner will talk about their research in a video to be published on the OS YouTube Channel.
The submission deadline for the 2025 prize will be the 15th December 2024 for papers presented at conferences and workshops in the previous academic year.
Submissions will have to satisfy ALL of the following criteria:
The student needs to be the single or first author of the submitted paper;
The paper needs to be out of a post-graduate dissertation or Master thesis not older than 24 months at the closing date of this call.
Definition of societal impact
For the purpose of the Organization Studies & Sage Student Paper Impact Award, societal impact is defined as a beneficial, demonstrable, material, and substantive effect generated by the research reported in the paper on the wider society and the environment with the ultimate goal of creating a better world. Impact will have to have ONE or MORE of the following features:
generated throughout the research process leading to the presentation of the research paper;
co-created with an individual, organization, or community beyond the research and academic community (e.g. local community and/or administration, government, professional body, professionals and practitioners) while maintaining research integrity and independence;
generated with methods, tools, practice and any other means of dissemination, showing creativity and novelty;
have resulted in policies benefiting individuals, organizations, and societies;
be actual (i.e. already tangible) or potential, if sufficient evidence for substantive prospects of impact is provided.
Students can self-nominate their work or be nominated by others. Nominations will consist of one single ‘Prize nomination file’ comprising:
The paper with a clear indication of the author(s)’ name(s), order, and affiliation(s);
A 1,000 word ‘impact narrative’ providing evidence of impact (e.g. testimonials, policy papers, impact activities, use of the research findings by practitioners and/or policy-makers).
Judging panel
Submissions will be gathered and assessed by a panel appointed by the Editors-in-Chief of Organization Studies. It will be composed of the Editors-in-Chief of Organization Studies (Chairs), former and current members of the Editorial team of OS, representatives from Sage Publishing and practitioners engaged in relevant societal work. After an extensive review process the committee will announce the Organization Studies & Sage Student Paper Impact Award winner at the EGOS Colloquium 2025.
Members of Jury
Tammar Zilber, Professor Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Co-Editor in Chief, Organization Studies
Paolo Quattrone, Professor at Alliance Manchester Business School, Co-Editor in Chief, Organization Studies
Matthew Waters, Senior Publisher, Business & Management, Sage
Gillian Barnett, Chief Executive Officer, World Vision Ireland
Usha Haley, W. Frank Barton Distinguished Chair in International Business & Kansas Faculty of Distinction
Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times
Ignasi Marti, Professor, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at Esade, Spain Senior Editor, Organization Studies
Renate Meyer , Professor of Organization Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, former Editor in Chief, Organization Studies
Jennifer Resch, Head of the Directorate General for Women and Equality, Austrian Federal Chancellery
For more information you may contact
Organization Studies at: osofficer@gmail.com